Pool Break Speed Calculator


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This application will allow you to accurately measure your pool break speed. It has been designed to measure the cue ball speed even if you are potting the cue ball into a pocket. The application will also keep a record of your fastest breaks. If you just want to test out the application to see how well it works on your device you can use the youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-D9_JMD9C5I which contains the sound of a break as well as explaining the level of accuracy expected from the app.
Note that the app uses sound to measure the speed and that any vibrations from handling you device can be registered as sound. There for it is better if your device is lying on a solid surface - you can place it on the edge of the table but do not let it touch the cushions. It will also work if you place it on a table several feet from the one you are using.
Note that the one star review (without a comment so I can't respond) was left by Paul Nettles intermediately after downloading(both my products). Paul Nettles is the owner of CY Mobile Software that produces the competing product "Break Speed". I have tested my product against his and found mine to be more consistent and robust. I would appreciate any genuine comments